Thursday, September 30, 2010

Distorted Me

The process for this piece was taking a picture of me, distorting it using photoshop and then transferring the image to a piece of masonite. I then took soft pastels and shaded the face and came up with the background color. Other mediums used was charcoal and india ink to give more emphasis in the picture. I think that this is a good piece, but it is not one of my favorites. I feel that maybe a different medium could have helped this project out. This is also not my style and was a huge risk for me as an artist. I am proud for following through with this project, but i think i am going to have to let it grow on me.


  1. Becca! I think the risk you took here was great! Even if you say it isn't your style... you did a fantastic job. The picture it self was so whimsical and funny! And the art cameout great. I love your colors and i think the india ink realy helped to bring out the details. good job(:

  2. becca, i'm really glad you took this risk. you did a great job and the colors you choose are awesome(:

  3. I completely agree with everyone else. Please explore this style more! :)

  4. This is so cute! I can totally see your personaility in it! I'm going to be like everyone else and say it: try using the soft pastel or the style more, you really nailed it :)

  5. You did a really good job with this. This is probably my favorite piece of yours thus far. Great color scheme. It looks so much like you! I recommend that you do more in this style!
